Doing Life & Ministry Better

Personal Ministry for Christian Leaders to stay healthy and balanced for a lifetime


Clarify Your Mission

Become Emotionally Balanced

Ongoing Personal Support 

Clarify Your Mission

Become Emotionally Balanced

Ongoing Personal Support 

Being a Christian leader is one of the most difficult jobs on earth. Though God-ordained, you’re constantly held to high standards, responsible for too many things, accountable to too many people; and at times, impossible expectations are required from you.  

A lot is at stake, and the enemy is constantly working to destroy you.  

We have all witnessed the devastation of when Christian leaders fail, and the chain reaction of discouragement to the people around them, and their life and ministry that consequently suffers.  

Often, this flows from an unhealthy personal lifestyle of the leader, which leads to unhealthy thought processes, unbalanced theology, and sometimes extreme behaviour and abuse.  

God has called you to advance his Kingdom, and it’s your responsibility to take care of His asset, YOURSELF, from within.

Springboard Consulting’s mission is to help Pastors & Leaders stay healthy and balanced through our personal ministry services:

Personal Coaching

Regular 1-on-1 sessions with wise coaches that have your best interests at heart

Biblical Support on Self-Care

Making sure you're staying on track consistantly

Advice on Being a Wise Steward

Of your resources, relationships and ministry  

Here's how it works:

Schedule a FREE Appointment

To discuss your circumstances and how you'd like to be supported

Get The Support You Need With Springboard

Through coaching, mentoring and pastoral counselling

Flourish in Personal & Ministry Life

Make "my yoke is easy and my burden is light" a reality

Here's how it works:

Schedule a FREE Appointment

To discuss your circumstances and how you'd like to be supported

Get The Support You Need With Springboard

Through coaching, mentoring and pastoral counselling

Flourish in Personal & Ministry Life

Make "my yoke is easy and my burden is light" a reality  

I would like to be coached by Brian, He listens and thinks before he speaks. He asks the critical questions and his advice comes out of a deep place. Brian has a breadth of faith matched by experience from living in diverse contexts!

Tim Costello CEO - World Vision Australia

Andrew Drummond is a minister of trustworthy integrity who loves the Church. He has embraced and helped pastoral couples who have burned out and has rescued and restored churches in danger of closure. He has the unique blend of being truly caring and yet saying it how it is in order to bring real change to a situation. Andrew has years of experience as a local pastor and understands pastors. He is someone who is articulate, brings clarity to a situation and inspires belief in times of needed change.  

Ian Kruithoff Church Health Director - ACC Victoria 

A word from Brian Birkett, Managing Director

In early 2015, inspired by Matthew 26:31 & Zechariah 13:7, our team asked an important question: "Who would minister to the Pastors?"  

And that was the birth of Springboard Consulting. 


How are you, Pastor?

20 questions that will help you find out how you are "really" going


Free eBook



6 x 1.5 hours


  • 1.5 hr sessions at $200 per hour
  • Mentoring, counselling or coaching
  • 20% discount available to Pastors

10 x 1.5 hours


  • 1.5 hr sessions at $200 per hour
  • Mentoring, counselling or coaching
  • 20% discount available to Pastors

12 x 1.5 hours


  • 1.5 hr sessions at $200 per hour
  • Mentoring, counselling or coaching
  • 20% discount available to Pastors

Don't put your kingdom impact to waste, and drag down those around you from an unhealthy place.

Jesus says "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"  

Let's make this Christian virtue of faithfulness, which leads to fruitfulness, a reality for your life and ministry!